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Morpho-Body Stretch Mark Peeling

Fighting Stretch Marks?
If you thought you could do nothing about stretch marks, think again.

A stretch mark is quite literally scar tissue. When skin becomes thin through stretching and the collagen and elastin fibres rupture, it results in a stretch mark.

Affecting 50% of women, these unsightly marks affect all contouring areas of the body.

Initially still with the blood supply and being reddish in colour, fading to purple as the blood supply diminishes and ending in a pearly white lesion, some stretch marks are raised whilst others form as ravines.


All stretch marks occur from 2 factors:


Starting cause = hormonal imbalance
Supporting cause = brutal tissue distension

The Morpho-Skin Stretch Mark Treatment
No matter the age or stage of your stretch marks, you will get a visible result on your stretch marks and a firmness is regained to the skin in the surrounding area.

If you thought silver stretch marks were untreatable, we urge you to try this treatment and see stretch marks reduce after the very first salon visit.

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