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CND Shellac Removal - correct removal will leave nails in tip top condition!


1. Wash your hands with liquid soap and warm water. Towel dry.

2. Wrap each nail with a cotton pad soaked with pure acetone and then wrap tin foil around each finger tip to hold cotton pad in place and create heat to speed up process.

4. Leave the remover wrap on the finger for ten minutes.

5. Securely grip each finger and apply slight pressure to the fingernail.

6. Using a twisting motion, pull the Shellac Remover Wrap and product from the fingernail. If a significant amount of Shellac remains on the nail (due to extended wear or other unique situations), rewrap the nail and allow acetone to penetrate a few more minutes.

7. If necessary, gently slide off any remaining product with an orangewood stick. Be careful not to scrape away the surface layers of the natural nail plate.

8. Rub the nail with a plastic-backed, lint-free pad soaked with acetone to remove any product residue.

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